
Certificate of attendance

Registration of course attendance certificate with national register code and golden hologram

Certificate of attendance

Registration of course attendance certificate with national register code and golden hologram

Features of our system

Avoid cutting trees indiscriminately

Avoid cutting trees indiscriminately

If we spread the culture of using online service, one of it's advantages is saving paper consumers and preventing the illegal felling of trees, because to hold an in-person event, from the checklist of participants to test sheets, transcripts and certificates of attendance paper should be used in the event, but only if we do all of these processes online. Rest assured, we have played an important role in preventing the felling trees.

Better managment and control

Better managment and control

In the physical method,the possibility of abuse and over-issuance of these certificates is very high, but with the online method, these abuses are minimalzed because only the certificates are issued according to the list of people registered in our system and in their profile.will be placed or sent to them online.